Carrick - On - Shannon: 071 9622080 / Roscommon Town: 090 6628611

Order Contact Lenses

Existing contact lens wearer:

If you already wear contact lenses and you want us to supply your lenses, please link to us below. If you are not an existing client, we need to know the make and prescription of your current contact lenses. If you fill in the details of your existing contact lens provider we will contact them to get these detail for you. We will contact you with a price before you place your order. If you are not happy with the comfort or the vision with your current contact lenses, our optician will see you first, before you order, so that we can review and improve the contact lens option you are wearing.

New contact lens wearer:

If you have never worn contact lenses before, you need to book a contact lens sample appointment with the optician. The sample will help you choose the right contact lens option for you, teach you how to put your contact lenses in and out and allow you to wear contact lenses for a one week sample period to experience the comfort of contact lens wear before you choose to continue with contact lens wear. See our ‘Your contact lens sample’ page for more information.


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